Thursday, 29 April 2010


Thanks to dear cousin Helly - I managed to A. get to US Embassy in London and B. answer all questions correctly to be allowed back to the USA with a Transport Letter which will allow me to re-new my Greencard. You have no idea about security until you have visited the US Embassy in London, two hours just to get inside the building, four hours later we were done, enough said.

Since surviving London and returning home to Norfolk on Monday Steven has arranged our packing of household goods, which will happen next week Tuesday through Friday, they will arrive in NY some time in early June. Volvo leaves the 10th to arrive at a similar time to household goods. Pie is due to fly out at the end of May (actual flight TBC) but will only have three days in quarantine, then he too will be shipped up to the new pad. Dogs 'should' be flying with Tomo and I but this will be dependant on weather/restrictions/Janie's weight etc. etc. Steve too I hope but that is another thing that will not be confirmed until he is actually there with us. If you don't have patience or cannot pretend to have patience, DO NOT marry a serviceman because nothing on earth will test your patience, your reason for marriage and your love for said person that chose the most inflexible and inconsiderate career choice available to man, like 'it'. I have no patience and no pretence in saying that I do - my only condolences is that THIS IS THE LAST TIME the military will move me anywhere! Did I mention, that when I arrive at our new home, it will be the thirty-forth home I have lived in. Also should point out that poor old Steve will have at least three more moves before he joins us.

Thank you so much to Helly for looking after me, feeding me (beside the Skate Cheeks - less said there the better?!) with the most delicious meal topped off with rich apple toffee pud and for pointing me in all the right directions. We should be moving closer to each other not across the bloody Atlantic, but I hope we will make it work even with the large pond in the way. Thank you to Derek and Vicky for ferrying me back and forth to the train stations - I couldn't have got there without all of you x

Next I just have to figure out how to get an acres worth of fencing to NY for my arrival ; - )

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